
Early word Session

Sunday  10am

A prelude to Sunday Morning worship. Our early word is a great way to begin your morning worship with a fresh bible lesson from our well trained decon ministry. 

worship Service

Sunday 11 pm

Come and join us as we commune with the lord while receiving a blessing from on high. At New Zion Baptist Church we make it our mission to connect with the Lord every Sunday morning through praise and worship. We also make it a priority to gain a deeper knowledge of our role as Christians through the teachings of our pastor.

Prayer service

Wednesday 6:30pm- 7pm

Prayer is our way of communication with our Lord. Come and participate in a dedicated prayer and meditation service. During this time you will be able to speak to the lord while communing with him in the house of worship. You will also be able to solicit the prayers of your fellow disciples to get you through those trying moments. 

Hour of Power

Wednesday 7pm-8pm

Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2: 15)        Rev. Green is not only a Pastor but a Teacher as well. He makes it his duty to teach his flock in a detailed curriculum what "thus saith the lord". Join him on Wednesday as he guides you to a greater understanding of the Lord as he breaks it down to it's simplest form.